Friday, January 30, 2015

DIY Carrot Juice

With the Big game coming up this weekend and perhaps lots of alcohol being consumed, I 

thought it would be appropriate to share one of my favorite detox drinks.....CARROT JUICE

               Watch the video below to see just how simple, quick and easy juicing is!

Why carrot juice?  Besides actually being tasty,

this creamy, sweet juice has so many benefits;

one, because of it's amount of Vitamin A, it has

been shown to greatly increase the overall health

of the liver, as well as detoxify it.

In addition to Vitamin A, this beverage is loaded

with rich anti-oxidants, beta carotene, vitamins

B, B6, E, K, biotin, calcium, potassium,

magnesium, besides these vitamins it also

contains flavonoids, phytoncides, and enzymes

as well as organic acids, monosaccharides and

disaccharides, starch and ash.

Bottom line, this incredible juice has many benefits:

  • helps low vision
  • skin problems
  • healthy tooth enamel
  • growth and development of bones
  • lowers stomach acidity
  • cleansing the liver
  • slows aging
  • reduces cancer risk
  • cleanses cells of toxins and impurities
  • aids in ridding dermatitis/eczema
  • protects cardiovascular system
  • promotes a sense of joy, due to it carrying a substance related to endorphins
  • prevents degenerative processes in the cells
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-cancerous

Word of caution, this juice contains a high concentration of 

natural sugars, so it should be avoided by

people with diabetes, it also has a mild laxative effect, so avoid if one has diarrhea.  Because it 

creates a heavy load on the pancreas, do not consume during exacerbations of diseases of the 

pancreas and intestines.  As with anything drink it in moderation.  Too much vitamin A within your 

liver can lead to toxicity!

When making this juice of course it's best to drink soon after juicing in 

order to retain the benefits of the vitamins.   I make a batch, keep in in 

airtight containers and drink as soon as I can.  I store in small recycled 

bottles for easy packing in my lunch...

How to DIY....

The most important tool needed is a juicer.  Because blenders don't extract the juice from a hard root 

like this, it's vital to use a juicer.  

I've been juicing for years and my old "Juice Tiger" finally gave out!  After some research, I settled 

on the Breville Juice Fountain Plus.  Juicer's can be pricy, but you can find a suitable juicer for about 


Now if that is still too pricy, do what I did, find someone who also would like to benefit 

from juicing and split the cost. This keeps at least two of you committed to juicing on a regular basis. 

Share the purchasing of the fruits and veggies, as depending on how much you're juicing, you may

be making frequent visits to the grocery store.

I purchase my carrots at Costco, they carry a 10lb bag for $4.50. 

Doing It Yourself can be very cost efficient as purchasing already

made juice can be expensive and they are not as effective as the

fresh juice you'll consume when you DIY.

I generally use carrots, apple and celery when 

making my "carrot" juice.  It's so quick and 

easy, once you get it down.  No peeling 

necessary, just wash, cut the end of the celery 

stalk off, leave the leaves, and cut the apples to

fit the juicer's opening, if needed, otherwise it's 

fine to leave them whole with sides and skin on.  

There is some controversy on whether the carrot 

stems are toxic, I don't believe that to be the 

case, especially Costco's version, there's really 

no stem on these to even be concerned about.

Let's break this down a cup of carrot juice contains:
94 calories
0.4 grams of fat
21.9 grams of carbohydrates
9.2 grams of sugar
1.9 grams of fiber

This is a great way to meet your daily nutritional needs as aid in your
weight loss goals!

Read more at:
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