Wednesday, January 28, 2015

DIY Acai Bowl

Newly introduced to me by a close friend, is the wonderful Acai bowl. This is one of the bowls available at the ever popular Nektar Juice Bar.
How can something so great, be that tasty and healthy and why am I just now finding out about this?

Of course I immediately needed to figure out how to make this delectable treat at home.

First task was to find Acai, pronounced [ag-sag-ee] ....What is it and where do I find it?

Acai is a berry from a palm tree most commonly found in the Amazon rain forests. It is a fruit, highly loaded with antioxidants touted as a healing, immune-stimulating, energy-boosting exotic fruit that may be able to assist in the prevention of diseases associated with oxidative damage, besides a plentitude of other health benefits.
Here are some of the benefits I found from an article written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
  • Heart Health
  • Resistant to Harmful Organisms
  • Aids in Weight Loss
  • Promotes Skin Health
  • Helps with Digestive Ups
  • Reduces 'Respiratory distress irritation
  • Improved Cellular Health
  • May Help Fight Cancer
  • Anti-Aging Effects
  • Energy Boost
  • Improves Mental Function

Acai comes in many forms; however the best for making the Acai Bowl is to use it in it's frozen form.

I was so excited to find this at my local Costco. They actually carry a package of 10 individually frozen pockets of Acai pulp made by Sambazon for under $12.00.

When making the Acai bowl, you want to make sure to use as many frozen ingredients as possible.

The consistency of the bowl is important, too much liquid and you will have a smoothie, which is also a great alternative; however, if you are looking to be able to use a spoon, keep everything as cold as possible.

Combine everything in the blender, I use the Acai, other frozen fruits as well as bananas that I have previously peeled and put in the freezer, add only enough liquid, such as the Almond milk, to get things moving. You will need to use a spatula to move it around until it gets going. Add only enough liquid as needed to get the right texture. 

Now spoon this mixture into your waiting bowl 

...and top with blueberries, honey or agave, Low fat Granola, (I use Bob's Red Mill as it's lower in fat than most granola), banana, flax seed, coconut shreds, nuts, use your imagination, just keep it healthy!

There you have it, an easy...

DIY Acai bowl!

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