Sunday, February 1, 2015

DIY Brown bagging it

If heading out for a long day with clients and no scheduled lunch appointments, I always bring a

packed lunch.  This way I'm in control of what I consume, not being forced to stop and maybe be 

tempted by an unhealthy alternative.

Let's start with the basics.  The use of a good healthy bread, is a must.  I LOVE this bread...Found at 

Costco, is this wonderful hearty Multi Grain with Omega-3 bread.  It's very different from your 

usual grain bread.

Looking at the nutrition facts; we see it has 1 gram of fat per slice, 120 mg of 

sodium, only 2 grams of sugar and 5 grams of protein.  

It is loaded with the benefits of Omega 3 due to being filled with nutritious sunflower and flaxseeds, 

essential for good health as well well as protection against heart disease.

Now let's look for healthy additions to load on this bread.  

I prefer NOT to use mayonnaise, so I found this alternative.  It has a bit of a kick due to the 

horseradish, but I don't find it too strong.  I've only been able to find it at 


Look at the nutrition comparison between this sauce and

mayonnaise 4.5 grams of fat for a tablespoon vs. 10 
grams in the mayo,
as well as less in calories, sodium and


If you want to add a protein, a nice choice is Kirkland Signature Oven Roasted Turkey.  This is 

sold at Costco as a whole (unsliced) oven roasted turkey breast.  I found it to be lower in sodium and 

calories than most sliced lunch meats.  I like to slice it very thin for my can also 

cube this and put in a salad, there are many other uses for this already roasted turkey breast.

If you like to use tomatoes, just be careful in placing them between items that won't allow the juices 

to get your bread soggy!  

Since Iceberg lettuce has zero nutritional value, I like to use baby spinach, 

You can find this a most stores, I usually get mine at Trader Joes...$1.99 for an pre-washed bag of

spinach. This makes it easy to add to sandwiches, soups, salads, etc...

Adding avocado is a great way to increase the protein, beneficial fats that boost levels of HDL (the 

"good" cholesterol), carotenoids (vitamin A), it's anti inflammatory benefit, as well as the oleic acid 

 found in this super food have been shown to improve cardiovascular health.  Avocados are rich in

omega 3, compounding the nutrition already

found in using this bread!
Add a fruit and even some chips!!  Yes, these are a good alternative, if you want a little something 

extra in your lunch.   Compared to regular tortilla chips, these by Late July, are a good choice, just

make sure you're aware of the amount your packing.

1 oz has 4.5 grams of fat vs. 7+ found in other chips, these are also lower in sodium and even

carry 2 grams of protein.

Again, I get these at Costco; however, they seem to be seasonal, so watch for them and snag a bag or

two when you can.

Throw in your bottle of fresh carrot juice and there you go, 
a DIY brown bag lunch that you can feel good about!!

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