Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kitchari (Khichari, Khichdi) is the very core of Ayurvedic nutritional healing.

Foreigners call it mishmash. To Indians, it is khichdi (Kitcheree), the food many turn to when illness calls and they need something warm, light and restorative; however, there’s more to the khichdi than just mung and rice. Using select herbs and spices, Ayurveda devises khichdi recipes that can help heal various dis-eases.

Kitchari is used in an Ayurvedic cleansing therapy because of its ease of digestion and assimilation. This Kitchari can be eaten by all doshas but is especially good for Vata. Moong Dal is one of the most cherished foods in Ayurveda. It is Tridoshic; balancing all three doshas and, especially when cooked with spices that are appropriate for each dosha. It is very nourishing and relatively easy to digest, generally not creating abdominal gas or bloating due to the split mung beans. 

Split hulled mung beans are nutritious and easier on the digestion than larger beans. Mung beans are boiled and stripped of their outer coats in the production process. However, they still retain high nutrient content. Roughly a quarter cup of mung dal has 7 grams of protein, which provides more protein than a large egg. The same portion contains 5 grams of fiber, 0 grams of fat and only 100 calories.  During a Kitchari cleanse adding appropriate vegetables provide texture, flavor and are an important source of fiber.

Many do a 3 day cleanse using only Kitchari. Eating as much as one needs to feel satisfied, but not overeat. Allowing approximately 3 hours between meals and getting plenty of fluids in between, have your last meal no later than 7pm. There is more to the cleanse, reach out to me if you would like more details.

The purpose of a mono-diet comprised of only Kitchari is to give the body just one thing that it has to digest. Our body gets the opportunity to rest when consuming one easily digestible food. During this rest period, the miracle of self-healing begins. Our bodies know how to cleanse and they know how to heal, they just need the proper protocol. Kitchari cleansing is one such protocol.  Each ingredient in the Kitchari plays a specific role in the process. The mung beans are packed with minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, folate, fiber, and vitamin B6, in addition to loads of high-quality protein. The rice is easily digested, the warming spices kindle the Agni, and the ghee lubricates the system, allowing for smooth passage. As simple as it is, this ancient remedy works great healing alchemy on the body.

Examples of spices one can add for individual Dosha's:
Calming Vata: cumin, ginger
Cooling Pitta: turmeric, coriander, peppercorns
Stimulating Kapha: turmeric, cumin, ginger

I first tasted Kitchari at Nourish Ayurveda, a restaurant in Costa Mesa. I had heard about the benefits of Kitchari years ago but was afraid to try it as I heard the spice Asafoetida (Hing) was very stinky and would overpower your pantry if housed there with your other spices. Although the Hing is stinky, it does not overpower the recipe or the pantry, I simply keep it in a sealed bag and all is good. 

Once I tasted Kitchari, it was so mild and soothing, I knew I had to figure out how to make it. I sorted through many recipes and each was a little different, some had many spices. I combined 3 recipes taking a little bit from each, but it still did not taste the same as the one from Nourish. You will find Kitchari also spelled Khichari, Kitcheree or Khichdi. I brought my recipe page into Nourish and the chef was kind enough to quickly tell me there were too many spices in my recipe and which ones were not commonly used in the authentic recipe. We need to remember this dish is designed to soothe the stomach and too many ingredients can have the opposite effect. I re-adjusted my recipe and I believe this is now very close to a true basic Kitchari.

I make this soup a couple times a week and I enjoy it just as much each time I eat it.
I hope you enjoy it and it brings peace to your tummy!


Basic Kitchari Recipe 

2 cups yellow mung dal beans
1 cup white basmati rice
1” ginger root grated
2 tablespoons organic ghee
6 cups of filtered water
1/2 tsp ground Himalayan sea salt or to taste
2 teaspoons black or brown mustard seeds
2 teaspoons organic whole cumin seeds
2 teaspoons organic coriander powder
1 teaspoons organic turmeric powder
1 teaspoon organic cumin powder
1 pinch ¼ teaspoon asafoetida (hing)

1-2 cups of chopped, cooked organic, seasonal *vegetables such as spinach, butternut squash, carrots, celery, kale, and bok choy (avoid nightshades)

*Make sure to steam the vegetables first before adding to the soup, so they are fully cooked and very soft.
  1. Rinse the mung dal beans and rice, strain them five times, or until the water runs clear.
  2. Soak the beans and rice together anywhere from at least 1 hour to overnight.
  3. Add 4-6 cups of water to a large pot to start, add more only as needed, up to 6 cups
  4. Turn the flame to medium
  5. Stir in the rice and beans.
  6. Heat the ghee or oil in a large pot
  7. Add the black or brown mustard seeds, whole cumin seeds and cook just a few minutes
  8. Add the cooked spices to the soup
  9. Add the remaining spices to the soup
  10. Add the cut, pre-steamed, softened vegetables.
  11. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer and cover.
  12. Stir every 15 to 20 minutes to make sure the rice is not sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  13. Add water only if necessary, should be thick but requires enough water to cook the rice and beans.
  14. Cook at least one hour, or until the beans and rice are soft and the Khichari has a porridge-like consistency. You will not be able to distinguish the beans from the rice.
  15. Serve warm with fresh cilantro on top, if desired.

Stay Healthy & Happy

Monday, December 3, 2018

Let's do a group detox in January 2019! See how below:

The holidays are already here and I wanted to let everyone know I will be doing my quarterly 7-day detox coming up at the beginning of January 2019. I’m looking for those interested in doing a liver detox along with me so we can create a group that would like to do it together for support and accountability. If you were ever interested in doing something like this, this would be a great opportunity to do it in a group setting, where we compare our daily triumphs or struggles, get ideas and have full support.

Right after this holiday season of overeating and indulging on holiday treats is the perfect time to perform a detox! Besides weight loss, one can expect elevated mood, clearer thinking, better skin, abundant energy, and improved digestion.

2018 I added the study of Integrative Health to my life and it has truly made a difference. My goal for 2019 is to complete the academic coursework and become certified so I can begin to help individuals improve their own health journey.

If you would like to join and have my full support, use the link below for the detox product I use and will be ordering now in order to have it ready for January.

DCD Package

Order the DCD Package

Currently, they are discounting the detox and all other products 10% until December 10th! 🤗 

** Use Promo Code DECEMBER10 **

Feel free to PM me and let me know if you are joining our group for January 2019. I'll have tips and recipe ideas to help you make this detox a success!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Start your year with this Super Power Shake

WELCOME to 2018!

Let's start this year off right with what I call my daily Super Power Shake...

This is a fantastic everyday shake that tastes delish and is extremely easy to put together. It's a great post workout drink, providing you with the neccessary energy, protein, omega-3's, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and a ton of other benefits!!

Here's how:

I love my Ninja Pro Blender, I've had the same one for over 4 years and use it almost every day! I use one of the cups supplied with the blender and begin with a huge handful of the Organic Power Greens (Costco carries the 1.5 lb bag), make sure to pack it in the bottom of the cup. Then add some cold filtered water or almond milk, enough to fill about 1/3 of the cup. Next add the following in no particular order:

  • 1 Tablespoon of the Super Greens (Scoop provided in jar)
  • 1 Tablespoon of the Seed Trilogy Mix
  • 1 Heaping Tablespoon of the maca powder
  • 1 Heaping scoop of the Orgain organic protein powder (Scoop provided in jar)
  • 1 Tablespoon of the cacao nibs or powder (Choose nibs if you want more texture)
  • 2 Tablespoons of frozen organic blueberries (I get mine from Costco)
  • 1/2 - 1 package of a frozen Acai Berry (Make sure it is unsweetened, see product below)

Add water or almond milk only if needed at this point, you will want some space to close and blend. If after you blend you want the consistency to be more liquidy add more water or almond milk...more solid, add crushed ice. Most of the time, I like mine thick enough to eat with a spoon, if not on the go!! :)

If you can't find the ingredients locally, here are links from Amazon to some of the items you'll need. 

Most of these are available on Amazon Prime and can be at your door in 1-2 days.

Amazing Grass Green Superfood

Why I like it:

One tablespoon contains less than 1 gram of sugar, many of the vitamins our bodies need, all organic, provides a digestive enzyme and active culture pre Probiotic blend, ingredients like Spirulina, Chlorella, Rose Hips, GMO free, Kosher, Vegan, 2 grams of protein and only 2 grams of net carbs per serving!

Trilogy Mix 

Why I like it:

This mix of ancient seeds (Flaxseed, Chia & Hulled Hemp) provide an excellent source of dietary fiber, iron, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, vitamin E. Net Carbs = 0 and NO sugar and 3 grams of protein for one tablespoon! 

Healthworks Maca Powder 

Why I like it:

If you are not familiar with the benefits of Raw Maca Powder, you will want to do some research, I'll list a few of its health benefits. An ancient Peruvian root, found in the mountains of Peru, Maca is considered a superfood. It has been labeled as Peruvian ginseng.

This one ingredient is rich in antioxidants, including Glucosinolate, found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc.., vitamins, minerals, and 20 different kinds of amino acids.

With regular use, many experience an increase in energy, stamina and endurance, mental activity and memory.

Maca is believed to promote prostate health. Used an adaptogen and tonic, it supplies iron, helping to avoid anemia and cardiovascular diseases by restoring red blood cells.

Some women find menstrual and menopausal issues and side effects such as cramps and hot flashes lessen with the use of maca. 

Like most superfoods you should start out with a smaller dose and build up to larger amounts. One tablespoon is a daily average dose.

This brand of raw maca powder is USDA certified organic from Peru, has 0 Fat, 3 net carbs, 1 gram of sugar and 1 gram of protein per tablespoon.


Orgain Organic Chocolate Protein           

Orgain Organic Vanilla Protein

Why I like it:

I found that I can't consume whey protein without upsetting my stomach. This brand is plant based, free of dairy, soy, gluten, lactose, Non-GMO, NO sugar, and only 4 net carbs and 11.5 grams of protein in one scoop. It blends well and taste terrific! It comes in both Chocolate and Vanilla, so choose your favorite flavor and enjoy.

Anthony's Organic Cacao Nibs 

Why I like it:

Cacao nibs have 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries, they contain flavonoids, and are an excellent source of magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper and potassium. Anthony's are USDA Organic Cacao Nibs, batch tested, gluten free, 2 grams of carbs, NO sugar, 3 grams of fat and 1 gram of protein per tablespoon.

Anthony's Organic Cacao Powder 

Why I like it:

Just like cocoa nibs, powder has the same benefits, with less fat at .5 g per tablespoon, only 1 gram of carbs, NO sugar and 1 gram of protein.


Amafruits Acai Berry (No Sugar / No Carbs)

Why I like it: 

If you are able to find Acai without the sugar then it would be a terrific addition to the shake. This acai from Amafruits fits the bill. It contains 0 Net Carbs, and NO Sugar, and 2 grams of protein. 

The Amazon Rainforest Acai berry is another superfood, chalked full of anthocyanins a type of antioxidant that supports balanced cholesterol levels, fiber and healthy omegas. Amafruits brand is non GMO, gluten free, vegan, and kosher.


Why I like LOVE it: 

Ninja makes a powerful tool to make your shakes. This model comes with two 16 oz make and take cups or a larger blender if you want to make more than one serving. 

It pulverizes ice with no problem and makes your shake smooth and ready to drink with just a quick whirl on this machine! 

Clean up is just as easy.

Items found at Costco:

Kirkland Organic Blueberries

Why I like it: 

I purposely limit my sugar intake which unfortunately includes limiting my fruit consumption; however, one of the few fruits I allow in my diet are Blueberries! The benefits outway the sugar intake. Costco carries these USDA Organic frozen blueberries. I prefer using the frozen as you can have them year round. I find that the fresh blueberries, unless at the peak of the season, can be less flavorful and spoil quickly.  

Earthbound Farm Organic Power Greens

Why I like it: 

A power packed versatile mix of tender baby spinach, baby red and green chard and baby kale. Rich in Vitamins A, C, E and K significant amount of folate which promotes heart health along with DNA duplication and repair to protect against the development of cancer. Studies have shown that eating 2-3 servings of these antioxidant packed greens per week may lower the risk of stomach, breast and skin cancer. You'll find these are low in the glycemic index as well as low in both calories and carbs. Earthbound brand are triple washed and ready to go straight out of the bag!

Kirkland Organic Unsweetened Almond Milk

Why I like it: 

Kirkland made a smart move carrying their own brand of Almond milk. It is USDA Organic, unsweetened, non-dairy, contains NO sugar, and no carrageenan. They sell it as a 6 pack. They store at room temperature until you're ready to pop in the refrigerator. They have a simple twist top opening, nothing to pull. Great job Costco! 👏🏻

I truly hope you make and enjoy this shake as much as I do...If you give it a try, I'd love to hear what you think!

Here's to a Healthy and Happy 2018 



Yin Chiao 

Amazing Greens
Coffee Booster
NOW MCT OIL http://amzn.to/2Giwy2L

Thursday, June 22, 2017

DETOX and help your body come ALIVE - Unleash the ancient powers of Himalayan Crystal Salt

In my endeavor to continually seek new ideas and hacks on keeping our bodies healthy, I've come across Sole water. Pronounced (So-lay). The name may be derived from the Latin word "sol" meaning sun.

The idea behind this is that you are creating water that is "Alive". In order to make the water come alive, we need to add salt, not just any table salt, using Himalayan Crystal Salt or Pink Salt, is important. I have always been one to avoid adding salt to anything that passes my lips, I literally feel the impact of salty food the minute I consume it, so this has been an interesting experiment for me.

This sort of salt does not burden our bodies in the way other salts do. It contains about 84 minerals and elements needed by our bodies, compare that to table salt containing 97.5% sodium chloride.

When these two elements of salt and water connect, the geometric structure of the water actually changes. The water has a negative pole which is then surrounded by the positive ions from the salt and vice-versa, the salt's negative ions are surrounded by the water's positive ions, creating this new 3rd dimension. Both help to liberate each other and reach a higher form of energy. Think of it as an Elixir of Life, a source of health and power.

The interaction of salt and water when consumed, creates a vibration pattern in our bodies that is sustained over 24 hours. This concoction should be drunk first thing in the morning, prior to anything else. Keep in mind, coffee may actually reduce the benefit of drinking Sole water due to its acidic nature. The Sole water in itself will balance the body's pH level, actually preventing excess water retention and premature aging.

The other benefits are plenty, here are just a few:

  • Detoxifies the body
  • Strengthens bones
  • Improves digestion
  • Stimulates the metabolism
  • Increases immune function
  • May dissolve and eliminate sediments, which can cause kidney stones, gallbladder stones, and various forms of rheumatism

  • Clears up skin issues, such as psoriasis and eczema
  • Balances blood sugar levels; a necessary element for diabetics
  • Clears the lungs of sticky phlegm and mucus plugs
  • Natural antihistamine
  • Can regulate blood pressure 
  • Can prevent Osteoporosis

Here's how to easily make your own Sole Water:

    1. Begin with the highest quality Himalayan Crystal Salt you can acquire. You can use it in the form of stones or smaller crystals.

    2. Take a small glass jar with a tight closing plastic (non-metal) lid, fill it about a quarter of the way with the salt crystals.

    3. Fill the jar with a good spring water or at least filtered water, close the lid, and shake.

    4. Let it sit for approximately 24 hours.

    5. After 24 hours, take a peek. If you do not see any salt, this means the salt has completely dissolved. If this is the case, you must add more salt crystals until the water does not have the ability to absorb any more salt.

We are aiming for fully salt-saturated water. Continue to add salt until it no longer gets absorbed by the water. When this has happened, you will see salt sitting at the bottom of the glass jar as in the image below:

This means your water is 26% saturated, and now chemically stable. This process can be repeated as the water gets depleted, simply add more spring or filtered water, just ensure you see salt sitting at the bottom of the jar after it has settled. Once you no longer see the salt add more, shake and let it sit once again until settled.

    6. Each morning take 1-1.5 teaspoons of this Sole water and add it to a glass of spring or filtered water and drink before eating or drinking anything else. 

NOTE: For added potassium squeeze in fresh, organic lemon juice or add organic lemon juice available in glass bottles sold in your local Costco. Your body needs about 3,500 mg of potassium per day. Lemons are a great source of this vital macromineral providing 138 mg of potassium per 100 grams of lemon. This concoction may help those who are prone to leg cramps!

Let your body and cells absorb the delicate balance of this living water, capture the ancient energy and regenerate your body!

I would love to hear your feedback if you try it.

Here's to DIY Healthy and Happy... Cheers!


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Incredible Egg

We all know how incredible the egg is....

Here is just a quick reminder of it's nutrition facts

Nutrition facts

Egg, boiled
Amount Per 1 large (50 g)
%Daily Value*
Total Fat5.3 g8%
Saturated fat1.6 g8%
Polyunsaturated fat0.7 g
Monounsaturated fat2 g
Cholesterol186 mg62%
Sodium62 mg3%
Potassium63 mg2%
Total Carbohydrate1 g0%
Dietary fiber0 g0%
Sugar1 g
Protein6.3 g13%
Vitamin A5%
Vitamin D11%
Vitamin B-120%
Vitamin C0%
Vitamin B-65%

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Nature's sweet treat... the FIG

I was fortunate to grow up with a tree giving these delicate, incredibly tasty, sweet gifts that have been enjoyed since ancient times. I was delighted to be able to go back 36 years later, battle the bees and pick these from the same tree, now huge and brimming with these little treasures!!

Figs are naturally rich in health benefits. These treats contain soluble dietary fiber, minerals, good levels of the B-complex group, and poly-phenolic flavonoid anit-oxidants, such as carotenes, lutein, tannins, chlorogenic acid...etc. Their antioxidant value is comparable to that of apples at 3200 umol/100g.

These little beauties protect us from cancers, diabetes, degenerative diseases and infections because of the phyto-chemical compounds found in figs that help scavenge harmful oxygen derived free radicals from the human body.

Because figs contain chlorogenic acid they help lower blood sugar levels and control blood-glucose levels in type-II diabetes mellitus (adult onset) condition

Figs and the fig tree are considered promising candidates for helping develop new drugs and researchers hope to continue finding new medicinal uses for the plant. Studies have already shown figs to be a good source of treatment for anemia, cancer, diabetes, leprosy, liver disease, paralysis, skin diseases, ulcers, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract infections, and more. 

If you're lucky enough to find some, they make a great addition to many recipes, pair perfectly with goat cheese and are an incredible healthy snack.